Monday, June 24, 2013

I am saved!!

My life is a testament to the power of the written Gospel. I grew up rejecting the Lord and going through life with the feeling of having no purpose in this world. I was closed to the Gospel. My life looked normal on the outside, married, two teenage kids, a great job, but I was weighted down with bitterness from my past. I am so thankful for God’s love, mercy and patience. It is because of God’s perfect timing that I am saved today but I also have to give credit to the donors that make these Bibles available to people like me.  Had God not placed that Bible in my hands that day, I would not be thanking God and all the supporters of this ministry for my new life in Jesus.
I recently ended up with a book and had no idea it was a Bible until I brought it home with me. As I opened the book and started reading, I realized that I was reading through the Bible for the first time, but something was happening. It was as if these words were all written for me. Every word jumped out at me and I could not put this Bible down. I read through the entire New Testament within a few days, and then it happened…. I knew that I needed to receive Christ into my life and made the decision to do so. I could instantly feel a change in me, I was a new man. I have since been baptized and am part of an amazing church community.  I want to thank every single person who supports the Bibles that go out from this ministry. I felt a million miles away from God, but it is because of your generosity that a Bible found its way into my hands. I am still a sinner and struggle with all the same things, but I know that I am now forgiven and do my best to live for Jesus.  My name is Tim, and I am saved!!!


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